Estimated delivery by end of day
Estimated delivery by end of day

estimated delivery by end of day

Only items with estimated delivery dates are shown in this search filter, so it’s a great way for your listings to have more visibility on Etsy with buyers in the US. Rather, we direct them to contact you to find out when it will ship.īuyers in the US can filter search results of listings by their estimated delivery date. If you don't share any information about your shipping carrier and processing time, we don’t give the buyer any specific information about when the order will arrive. If you share your processing time and your shipping carrier information, we'll show buyers a timeline of what they might expect from their order, including approximately when the item(s) will be ready to ship and an estimate how long it will take to get to their doorstep. The more inputs you give, the more details are shown to the buyer and the better expectations you set! For example, if you share your processing time is three to five business days, then we'll let buyers know that their order will be ready to ship in three to five days. How is estimated delivery date information shown to buyers? For example, shipping from California to New York would take more time than if the package were being shipped from one city in California to another.

Estimated delivery by end of day code#

If you're shipping from the US, the origin zip code is layered in for better accuracy. For example, if the processing time for an item purchased is three to five business days, and the transit time for the shipping method chosen is usually two to four business days, the estimated delivery date is five to nine business days from the order date. The latest date is the long-end of your processing time + your longest expected transit time. The earliest date is determined by the short-end of your processing time + your quickest expected transit time. How is an estimated delivery date calculated?Īn estimated delivery date is shown to buyers as a range of dates when their order is likely to arrive. Check out Etsy’s Help Center for step-by-step instructions for setting up estimated delivery dates.

estimated delivery by end of day

Using a shipping profile lets you apply the same shipping details to multiple listings at once. Filling out processing time, mail class, and mail carrier on individual listings and/or creating shipping profiles will generate the estimated delivery date a shopper sees. Multiple fields are used to calculate and show an estimated delivery date to shoppers, so there isn't one place to set your estimated delivery date.

estimated delivery by end of day

Your zip code won’t be shown to shoppers. Zip code (US only): If you're in the US, adding your zip code makes our estimates even more accurate because we know exactly where you’re shipping from-for example, that a shipment will arrive faster for buyers within your state, versus shipping across the country. Processing time: This is the number of business days you need to make or design the item and get it handed off to the shipping carrier. And don’t worry, we automatically adjust estimated delivery dates for you when we see that carriers are experiencing delays-so you’re always giving shoppers the best estimate of when their order will arrive, even during busy times of year. Shipping carrier and mail class: We use this information to determine how long it will likely take for the package to arrive after you ship it based on the information we have from carriers. There are three different pieces of information we use to calculate estimated delivery dates: The estimated delivery date shows a time frame when an order should arrive. This article will help you find answers to frequently asked questions about estimated delivery dates. For items shipping from the US to buyers in the US, details related to estimated delivery dates are required in order to create a listing/shipping profile and to renew listings. They let shoppers know upfront when to expect their orders and help them feel more confident making a purchase. Our research in December 2019 showed that knowing when an item would arrive was a key factor for Etsy buyers in making their purchase decision.

Estimated delivery by end of day